I Ching - Viewing, Kuan (KW�N)
Hexagram Number 20
Keyword(s): Contemplation
Symbolic of: looking, observing and confronting
The General Meaning
Kw�n shows (how he whom it represents should be
like) the worshipper who has washed his hands, but not (yet)
presented his offerings; with sincerity and an appearance of
dignity (commanding reverent regard).
Explanation of the separate lines
1. The first SIX, divided, shows the looking of a lad; not blamable in men of inferior rank, but matter for regret in superior men.
2. The second SIX, divided, shows one peeping out from a door. It would be advantageous if it were (merely) the firm correctness of a female.
3. The third SIX, divided, shows one looking at (the course of) his own life, to advance or recede (accordingly).
4. The fourth SIX, divided, shows one contemplating the glory of the kingdom. It will be advantageous for him, being such as he is, (to seek) to be a guest of the king.
5. The fifth NINE, undivided, shows its subject contemplating his own life(-course). A superior man, he will (thus) fall into no error.
6. The sixth NINE, undivided, shows its subject contemplating his character to see if it be indeed that of a superior man. He will not fall into error.
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