Tarot Cards - The King of Cups

The King of Cups
The Prince of the Chariot of the Waters

Numerical Value: 4
Elemental Name: Air of Water

Divinatory meaning
Upright - A person who commands respect, but not love.  A man of business or law, considerate and responsible.  He is kind but ambitious and a skilled negotiator.  He is a born manipulator, someone who has arrived in a position of power by the use of brain as opposed to brawn.  He avoids taking people into his confidence and often works in secret or behind the scenes.  He is a seeker of power, with hidden motives, often distrusted or feared by those around him.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - 
A violent, unscrupulous, dishonest man who is likely to be involved in double dealing.  His only responsibilities are to himself and he has no moral sense.  He may involve his associates in scandal, vice, dishonesty, corruption and evil, as he himself may be drawn.

Tarot Card Meanings Sheet TAROT CARD MEANING SHEET
All the tarot card menaings, upright and reversed, in our handy A4 meanings sheet.

Tarot Cards: The Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana - The Suit of Wands, The Suit of Cups, The Suit of Swords, The Suit of Pentacles.


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